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吴 晨(研究方向:建筑设计)

发布日期:2023-05-12 浏览量:






Wu Chen, male, professor, has hosted the design of a set of high-quality construction works of urban revitalization projects such as the tallest buildings in Beijing “China Zun”, China Petrol Tower, “Beijing Fun”; the design of nine transportation hub buildings like Beijing South Railway Station, Nanjingnan Railway Station, Guangzhou South Railway Station, Hefei South Railway Station, Qingdao North Railway Station; the urban revitalization research and urban design work of traditional historic districts including the overall urban design of old Beijing city, the imperial city area around the Imperial Palace of old Beijing city core area, the medial axis, Dashilan area, White Pagoda area, Shichahai area, Nanluoguxiang area, Qianmen east area, Wuxi ancient canal historic district, Zhengzhou Erqi Square and surrounding area; the reconstruction of industrial heritage protection like the overall urban design of Beijing Shougang Area; the research of the urban science fields including the big data simulation analysis of Tongzhou population, economy, land use relationship and the relationship with the surrounding areas; created and hosted nearly 50 major projects; published more than 70 papers as the first or corresponding author, won 8 authorized patents, 5 National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Architectural Awards (ranking first), 4 National Excellent Urban and Rural Planning and Design Awards (ranking from first to seventh), 26 ministerial and provincial awards (ranking first), and 4 national awards (ranking first). He enjoys State Council special allowance,has been selected as “Science Beijing” 100-Leading-Talent, and has won the titles including “National Labor Medal”, “national model worker”, and “science & technology figure of “Capital Science & Technology Award Ceremony”. He acted as chief architect of Shougang Group, director of Beijing Urban Design and Urban Regeneration Engineering Technology Research Center, vice chairman of Urban Planning Society of Beijing, vice chairman of Urban Design Branch of Architectural Society of China, senior visiting scholar of University of Cambridge, committee member of Architects Regional Council Asia Special Committee, and committee member of International Union of Architects of Professional Practice Committee.

Field of research:Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Urban Science

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